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  • Mailing Address: 1528 Church Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755



Easter Sunday

Apr 04, 2021

Passage: Matthew 28:1-10

Preacher: Rev. Anna Gillette


He is Risen! He Is Indeed! Glory, Hallelujah, Amen! Pastor Anna shares with us the true joys of Easter and serving a risen Savior. All of us at St. Andrew UMC wish you and your loved ones a joyous and Happy Easter. For those who prefer in-person worship, we are following the local and national guidelines for safe gathering. As part of our protocols to help keep everyone safe, you will need to sign up on the website for in-person worship. We will continue to offer online worship for all who choose to worship with us from your homes and while on the road. We regularly live stream our 11:00 worship service, but we will not be streaming on October 11. We continue premiere our pre-recorded worship service on Facebook and YouTube at 9:30 AM, Sunday Mornings. It is a joy and blessing to worship with you. Please see our website for ways to be involved, encouraged, and in mission with our community. Blessings!