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Fulfilled: The Church on Mission

Posted by Erik Hall on

These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled (Luke 24:44). Jesus fulfilled God’s plan for the redemption of the world! We are new creations in Christ! So, what’s next? The Risen Christ commissions his followers to continue fulfilling his life-giving and hope-inspiring ministry and mission. He calls them ‘witnesses’, and promises them ‘power’ in the coming of the Holy Spirit, and he tells them to get ready.

The same is true for the church today. We are still commissioned to give life and inspire hope in Jesus name. When those first apostles and those first churches were mobilized, WHAT they did and HOW they did it depended upon their gifts and talents, their time and place, their culture and society. ‘Getting ready’ meant using what they had to do what Jesus taught them while relying on God’s power to get results. Amazing miracles were done…   Amazing people rose up…   and the amazing truth of Jesus began to shape the world. God is calling St. Andrew UMC to something BIG! What could it be!? Who will be blessed?! Where will God lead?! How will God use us?! While we may not know the answers now, we do know that if we are faithful…   we will continue to fulfill Jesus’ mission to extend and expand the Kingdom of God.

For the next four weeks, in our worship theme and weekly blog, we will reflect upon our church’s mission and how God is leading us towards new ways of fulfilling the ministry and mission of Jesus